Amy Hathaway, Develop Learn Grow

Welcome Parents, Teachers, and Professionals!

Develop Learn Grow is here to help YOU support the growth and development in your children!  Find easy, fun, and IMPORTANT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY activities for preschool and elementary children.

I know you’re busy, on this site, find simple activities to plug into what you already do in order for you to enrich play and learning experiences for maximal brain development in kids.  Gather helpful tips, tricks, and tools from a seasoned pediatric occupational therapist and mom.

    Navigate and search the site:

    • Find easy to use brain breaks and sensory strategies for the classroom and home to improve sensory processing, behavior, and attention… all to optimize learning in children to support whole brain teaching
    • Discover fun OT activities that support visual perceptual skills, crossing midline, gross motor skills, and fine motor skills needed for academic success
    • Quickly use simple core exercises for kids, fine motor skills activities, writing activities, scissor skills, art projects, crafts for kids, and more to help kids thrive!

    ON THE BLOG- The Most Recent OT Ideas, OT Strategies, and OT Activities for Kids:

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