So many changes in society impact fine motor development in children. As an occupational therapist (since 2002) I have...
OT Activities -Articles
42 Easy Visual Perceptual Activities That Enhance Learning
As an occupational therapist, I use visual perceptual activities very frequently. They are great for children's...
Weight Bearing Exercises for Kids, Easy & Fun OT Activities
Weight-bearing exercises and activities on open hands help kids build many skills needed for hand skill development...
The Sensory Pyramid of Learning – Foundation for Development
The sensory pyramid of learning is an extremely helpful visual for understanding why the sensory systems are so...
27 Easy Prone Position Activities to Improve Strength in Kids
Tummy time is not just for babies! Prone position activities improve strength in kids needed for good posture...
81+ Outdoor Games for Recess & Sensory Activities for Kids
Find skill building outdoor games for recess that help kids in the classroom. Support skills needed for...
How to Improve Reading Skills: 50+ Sensory Strategies
The best way to improve reading skills in kids is to make sure their bodies and brains are ready before reading...
Simple Auditory Activities to Improve Learning and Reading
Auditory activities are important for kids at various stages of learning. Activities for the auditory system...
Screen Time Alternatives to Support Development in Kids
Setting screen time limits and finding screen time alternatives are SO important for our children! Help your kids in...