As an occupational therapist, I use visual perceptual activities very frequently. They are great for children's...
occupational therapy activities for kids
81+ Outdoor Games for Recess & Sensory Activities for Kids
Find skill building outdoor games for recess that help kids in the classroom. Support skills needed for...
Screen Time Alternatives to Support Development in Kids
Setting screen time limits and finding screen time alternatives are SO important for our children! Help your kids...
Classroom Exercise Program – 8 Weeks of Brain Breaks
Research supports the use of classroom exercises during the school day. Regular exercise breaks for...
How to Make a Puffy Snowman
This cute Puffy Snowman Craft is so much fun for kids of all ages! It's an easy...
Sensory Deep Pressure Tools and Activities to Calm Kids
Occupational therapists use deep pressure sensory activities to calm kids and to organize their nervous systems....
Mechanical Pencils vs Wooden Pencils – Which Are Better?
Mechanical pencils vs. wooden pencils - both have benefits for kids. There are great options out there to...
The Best and Quickest Handwriting Warm Up Exercises
Handwriting warm up exercises help improve fine motor skills. This quick series addresses postural, shoulder,...
Improve Scissor Skills +39 Worksheets for Cutting Practice
Cutting activities are important for fine motor skill development and hand-eye coordination. Check out...
43 Finger Dexterity Exercises in Occupational Therapy
Finger dexterity exercises in occupational therapy are a routine part of my job working with children. Hand or...